The Importance of Research Prior to Working A Case

In private investigations, research is crucial. Failure to do your homework prior to beginning a case can lead to costly mistakes such as surveilling the wrong subject, obtaining incorrect or inaccurate records, or even photographing the wrong area. Private investigative work does not start once you are in the field. It starts with detailed questions that extract the correct information from your client and follow up confirmation on the Investigator’s part to confirm the client’s information is correct. 

Private Investigators, while not lawyers, must be familiar and knowledgeable about legal topics that affect the work they do and are specific to the State they are licensed in. Specifically personal rights, property rights, privacy laws, domestic/divorce laws, and forms of electronic surveillance and devices used are all issues a private investigator may come up against. A private investigator can make or break a case if they are unaware of the legal ramifications of their actions. For example, it is unlawful for a private investigator to obtain information on someone’s former spouse if the former spouse has a formal protective order against the client. It is the private investigator’s job to research any and all potential conflicts to what a client may ask of him or her. Failure to do so can put both the investigator and the potential Subject at risk. 

Domestic cases can be dangerous in nature. It is critical that the private investigator exercise due diligence in researching domestic matters both for their safety and that of others. 

Research can also be what uncovers the truth and provides essential facts. Research can overturn stones forgotten or overlooked. It can uncover “dirty laundry” type secrets on a Subject. It can find that one small clue that that puts a criminal behind bars or exonerates an innocent person. Either way, research is key to good investigative work. So make the right choice when you need answers and call Viking Private Investigations for your FREE consultation TODAY! 919-523-9298

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